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- Accredited membership in the Association shall be:
- Limited to a person who is regularly engaged in the practice of assessment, has completed the education requirements of the Association and has obtained the designation, A.A.M.; (amended Jan. 1/07)
- Granted upon payment of the fees set by the Association.
- Accredited membership entitles a person to the following privileges:
- To supervise and/or practice residential, commercial and industrial assessment appraisals in an assessment jurisdiction;
- To supervise and/or practice agricultural land assessment appraisal (collection of agricultural land data and valuation);
- To vote and hold office in the Association;
- To have voice and vote at the annual and special meetings of the Association;
- To be appointed to committees of the Association;
- To receive a copy of Association documents designed for distribution to members; and
- To receive the newsletter of the Association.
- Accredited membership carries obligations including but not limited to the following:
- To adhere to the Association’s code of ethics;
- To adhere to the Association’s standard of conduct.