The Nominating Committee calls for nominations for the Executive Council of the Association.
The Chair of the Nominating Committee is Brian Dupuis, current Past President of the AAOM.
The following positions are required:
- PRESIDENT – two year term
- VICE-PRESIDENT- two year term
- DIRECTORS (five) – one year term
Should you wish to submit the name of a member, or your own name, to stand for election at the Annual Meeting on April 12, 2013, please complete a Nomination Form and forward it to the Chair of the committee, on or before March 27, 2013.
Nominations will also be accepted from the floor at the Annual Meeting.
For more information, please refer to the AAOM Constitution (Section 2 Nominations)
- Each accredited and regular member is eligible to submit nominations to the chairperson of the Nominations Committee.
- All written nominations must be accompanied by a signed statement from the nominee with two signatures of members in good standing two weeks prior to the annual meeting.
- All nominations from the floor must be accepted by the nominee in person and must be seconded in order to be valid. (amended February 27, 2004)
- Where only one nominee is nominated for a particular office, that nominee shall be elected by acclamation.