Members who do not renew their membership by November 30th of the current year and then decide they would like to renew for the current year, or rejoin in the year(s) following would have to abide by the Former Member Policy.
Former Non Accredited members:
Former (non Accredited) members who want to rejoin the Association and want credit for the lapsed time – would have to buy back all the lapsed time which would include the membership fee, and administration/late fees for each year they had let lapse. (See e.g. and Note below).
Former Accredited members:
Former Accredited members of the Association who have let their membership lapse and therefore are no longer able to use their AAM designation – and who wish to rejoin the Association, and regain their accreditation, would firstly have to buy back all the lapsed time which would include the membership fee plus the administration/late fees for each year they had let lapse. (See e.g. and Note below)
E.g. Member in 2014 & 2015; does not renew for 2016.
In 2017 the former member rejoins the AAOM and wishes to be credited for 2016 in order to have 4 years of membership dating back to 2014; The member would have to pay the membership fee plus administration/late fee for 2016 which for a Regular Member would amount to $125 (membership fee) + $100 (late fee/administration fee applicable after March 1st of 2016) = $225.00. The member would then be credited with 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 so would have 4 years tenure in the AAOM.
Note: If the lapse in membership for both Non Accredited and Former Accredited members is more than five years, but less than ten, the former member would only be required to pay an amount equal to the total of membership fees plus administration/late fees that were in place during the five years prior to their rejoining the Association.
If the lapse in Membership of a Former Accredited Member was for a TOTAL OF FIVE YEARS OR LESS, and the former accredited member wishes to regain their accreditation, after buying back the lapsed time, they would have to:
a) Attend an A.A.O.M. Conference prior to applying for the return of their A.A.M. designation; AND
b) Successfully pass an Oral or Written Interview (if they had not passed an oral or written interview within the five years prior to the year they wish to apply for the return of their A.A.M. designation.) The Interview would include questions from the AAOM Law of Assessment in Manitoba Course that was mandatory prior to Jan. 1, 2014.
If the lapse in membership was for MORE THAN FIVE YEARS, but NOT MORE THAN TEN YEARS and the Former Accredited Member wishes to regain their accreditation, they would have to:
a) Attend an A.A.O.M. Conference prior to applying for the return of their A.A.M. designation; AND
b) Successfully pass an Oral or Written Interview which would include questions from the Law of Assessment in Manitoba Course – if they had not passed said Interview within the five years prior to their applying for the return of their A.A.M. designation; AND
c) Successfully complete an AAOM (or equivalent) Demonstration Appraisal Report of an Income Producing Property, if a Demonstration Report had not been completed within the ten years prior to their applying for the return of their A.A.M. designation; (Equivalencies would have to be checked out by the Education Committee Chair) AND
d) Have at least four years experience in mass appraisal; AND
Note: The purchased lapsed time can be included in the experience time only if the member was working in the assessment field during the lapsed time.
e) Including the lapsed time which was bought back, been a Regular member of the A.A.O.M. for at least the current year (year they are applying for the return of the designation) and preceding three years.
Once the above criteria had been met, the member would have to fill out a Request for the Return of their A.A.M. designation (available from the Admin. Office), and the request would have to be approved by the Executive Council.
If a former member wishes to rejoin the Association but does not wish to buy back the lapsed time, or the lapse in membership is more than 10 years, they would be considered a new member and would only be given credit for tenure purposes from the date they rejoin the Association. The former member would also not be able to join at the prorated fee as this is for “first time members” only, as stipulated in the Constitution.