Bylaw X – Code of Ethics
Section 1 Code of Ethics
- Every person who attains and retains membership in the Association of Assessing Officers of Manitoba (hereinafter called the “Association”) pledges to:
a) conduct activities in a manner that will reflect credit upon the member, the assessment field and the Association; and
b) co-operate with the Association and its officers in all matters, including, but not limited to, the investigation, discipline or dismissal of members who by their conduct prejudice their status or the reputation of the Association; and
c) accept only those assessment assignments for which the member has adequate time and technical ability to complete in a competent
manner; and
d) conform in all respects to the code of ethics and the standards of conduct and the bylaws and the constitution of the Association as the same may be amended from time to time.
Bylaw XI – Standards of Conduct
Section 1 Standards of Conduct
- Every person who attains or retains membership in the Association of Assessing Officers of Manitoba (hereinafter called the “Association”) pledges to abide by the following standards of conduct:
a) It is unethical for a member to conduct himself/herself in any manner which will prejudice the members status or the reputation of the Association.
b) It is unethical for a member to claim professional qualifications which may be subject to erroneous interpretation or to state
qualifications which the member does not possess.
c) It is unethical to injure or attempt to injure, falsely or maliciously, directly or indirectly, the reputation or the prospects of another
member of the Association of Assessing Officers of Manitoba.
Bylaw XII – Conflict of Interest
Section 1 Conflict of Interest
- Conflict of interest in matters involving Association representatives, shall include:
a) elected members of council;
b) members appointed to serve as delegates, committee members of committee chairs; and
c) employees of the Association acting in an official capacity.
2. Members serving in an official capacity as council members or committee members shall declare a conflict of interest in matters under discussion or in decisions taken in which they have a vested interest.
3. It shall be the responsibility of the chairperson to ensure that members identifying a conflict of interest shall leave the meeting during
consideration of the pertinent issue and that action shall be recorded by the secretary of the meeting.
4. A conflict of interest may be defined as, but is not limited to the following:
a) where the member is involved in negotiating wages and/or employment contracts, or completing performance appraisals for Association staff who may be related to that member;
b) where the member is involved in determining/reviewing credentials and registration eligibility for an applicant or another member who may be related to that member;
c) where the member is involved in the investigation and/or discipline process affecting another member who may be related to that member; and
d) where the member is involved in the adjudication of appeal of registration examination marks for a person related to that member.