Our organization is dedicated to upholding valuation principles and to preserving independence, integrity, and freedom from bias in valuation and property assessment.

Assessment professionals support AAOM because they trust us to be good stewards of their resources, to uphold rigorous standards of conduct and to serve as a catalyst for excellence in the assessment profession.

Professional practice is the responsibility of all members of our association: Executive Board members, committee members, volunteers, staff and the general membership demonstrate their ongoing commitment to the core values of integrity, honesty, fairness, openness, respect and responsibility.

Standards of Conduct

Members adhere to the Association’s  Standards of Conduct  as prescribed by the Bylaws: X-Code of Ethics,  XI-Standards of Conduct, and  XII-Conflict of Interest, found in the Constitution of the Association of Assessing Officers of Manitoba.


For matters of valuation and assessment administration, members are guided by the following:

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