Hello Members: As we enter into December with 2014 coming to an end, I thought I would share with you some of the adventures and activities I have experienced as your president during 2014. ~Erin
Association of Assessing Officers of Manitoba Conference – Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 1st and 2nd 2014
The AAOM hosted the 58th annual professional development conference on May 1st and 2nd at the Hilton Winnipeg Airport Suites.
The conference committee thought it was important to have the hotel near the Winnipeg international airport as the theme of this year’s conference was Navigating Valuation.
Key Speaker Larry Dybvig discussed airport valuation methods across Canada.
Made up with a mix of regular, accredited and subscribing members, Attendance for the conference was up this year.
Representatives from sister associations The North Central Regional Association of Assessing Officers, The Saskatchewan Assessment Appraisers Association and The Institute of Municipal Assessors were present.
Thanks again to the conference committee chairs Mirek Frolek and Jan Trochim for all their hard work in planning this successful event.
Pictured below are A.A.M. designees Mike Taylor, Kathryn Smith and Nicholas Ruta after being presented with their Accredited Assessor of Manitoba Designation certificates. In the months since the conference, Mirek Frolek has also attained his A.A.M. designation. Congratulations to all of them!
This photo was featured in an edition of the IAAO’s Fair and Equitable magazine as well this announcement was published in the Manitoba Movers section of the Winnipeg Free Press.
Institute of Municipal Assessors Conference – Niagara Falls, Ontario, June 22nd -24th 2014-11-26
In June, I attended the Institute of Municipal Assessors Conference in Niagara Falls, Ontario.
The theme of this year’s conference was “Challenging the Status Quo: Collaboration as a Model for Change“.
The IMA has members from around the world, but the majority of their membership is from Ontario and Newfoundland. Next to the IAAO, the IMA is the largest of our sister associations, attendance at the conference this year was close to 400!
Monday morning started with the opening ceremonies and several keynote speakers. One from the Conference Board of Canada who spoke on the Emerging Status Quo, and two who presented market reports that featured mainly on Toronto and a speaker who talked about how to try to maintain a healthy balance and control stress.
Educational sessions in the afternoon covered assessment case-law, estimating depreciation, ethics and a walking tour of the nearby Niagara on the Lake followed by a discussion on the valuation of heritage properties.
On Monday night the President’s Reception and Banquet took place at the Edgewater Restaurant, which overlooked the falls. During dinner the falls were illuminated in the IMA’s colours. A Meet and Greet Hospitality Event followed dinner.
Tuesday morning started with another keynote speaker who discussed the Status of Assessment Services in Ontario. The Annual General Meeting followed. After the AGM Educational sessions on social media and mediation were offered before the wrap of the conference at lunch.
International Association of Assessing Officers Conference – Sacramento, California, August 23rd – 27th 2014
In August, I had the opportunity to represent the AAOM at the 80th Annual IAAO International Conference on Assessment Administration in Sacramento, California.
This year the conference started off with a bit of a bang and a shaky start, after the worst earthquake to hit the region in 25 years took place during the early hours of August 24th. The earthquake hit in the Napa Valley, located about 60 miles from downtown Sacramento and rated a 6.9 on the Richter scale.
On Sunday August 24th I attended a meeting for IAAO Chapter and Affiliate Representatives.
At this meeting I was able to mingle with representatives from all over the U.S.A. and Canada. The meeting touched on the happenings of the IAAO over the past year.
One of the biggest changes announced at the meeting was news that quite a few of the long time IAAO staff members were either retiring or moving on to new careers. This included our chapters and affiliate rep, David Reed. Mike Logan, David’s replacement started in October.
The Welcome reception was held on Sunday night. The reception was held at the Sacramento convention centre and was set up to resemble a street market. After some delayed flights and a very long drive Mike Taylor arrived to join me with representing the AAOM at the conference.
The education sessions ran from Monday afternoon until Wednesday afternoon. There were seven educational tracks offered at the conference. Between Mike and me we were able to attend at least one session from each of the educational tracks.
This year many of the presentations at the conference were put on by Canadian presenters, many of them members from our sister associations. I was able to see presentations about valuation issues in Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia.
Wednesday night was the gala banquet dinner. After the dinner the Sacramento host committee passed the key on to next year’s host committee, next year’s conference will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana.
I enjoyed the opportunity to attend the conference and the time I spent networking with assessment professionals from around the world. I feel it is a worthwhile conference to attend because of the quality of speakers and educational sessions as well as the time spent strengthening relationship ties for the AAOM.
Saskatchewan Assessment Appraisers Association Conference – Regina, October 6th-8th 2014
In the early hours of October the 6th Jan Trochim and I headed off to the City of Regina to attend the Saskatchewan Assessment Appraisers Association Conference. (And yes we were dressed in blue and gold with no green in sight!)
The conference this year marked the SAAA’s 75th anniversery, quite an accomplishment.
Over the 3 day conference education sessions covered the construction of the new rough-rider stadium and the downtown revitalization plan for Regina, How to safely inspect dangerous properties such as grow operations, and a review on the Appraisal institute of Canada’s professional practice standards and code of ethics which was aimed at Property Assessment professionals.
On Tuesday there was a choice of on site tours offered of a pot ash mine and the Global transportation Hub.
On Monday night the SAAA hosted a gala banquet. As always the hospitality shown to us and other sister associations was wonderful.
On Wednesday morning the Annual General Meeting and elections were held.
After the meeting Jan and myself headed back down the highway home.
That’s enough from me for now. Stay tuned! The executive is already busy planning the 2015 AAOM conference.
At this time on behalf of the AAOM executive I would like to thank you all for your membership and support.
Season Greetings, Have a safe and Happy New Year. ~Erin Reid, President