312 sqft: The Little House That Could
We had a few inquiries about the smallest house in Winnipeg. No, Frodo Baggins does not live here. Due to privacy restrictions, the address of this Elmwood home cannot be revealed. However, we can tell you it dates to the mid-1930s with only a surface foundation. With no garage and only a 20 foot lot, […]
Looking For Trouble
Estimated values can be reviewed in a variety of ways including scatter plots, GIS mapping and stratification analysis. Extreme data may create visible problems. Sample scatter plot-sale ratios versus effective age: Here the variation in the oldest (+100 years) properties compares reasonably well to the more typical 50 to 60 year ages. Sample GIS mapping: […]
On the Edge
Part 1: In the Land of Extreme Data Extremes challenge valuation models. We have to be conscious of data extremes in the property inventory: They may deserve review. They may deserve exclusion from sales modeling. They may even deserve attention in model variable design or coefficients. Have you ever wondered what local data extremes […]