From Little Acorns Grow
Slightly over one year ago “The Association of Assessing Officers of Manitoba” existed only in the visions of a few dedicated individuals. Their dreams, however, were not allowed to remain dormant–instead they set about planting the seed of the idea in the fertile minds of fellow-assessors. Quickly taking root, the idea soon blossomed and attained full stature in the “First Annual Conference” held in the Manitoba Legislative Buildings, April 25-26, 1957. The unqualified success of the two-day conference attests to the thoroughness of the planning and preparation made by the various committees responsible for its smooth functioning.
Following registration of all members present, Vice President C.F. Collins extended a warm welcome to the assembly, comprising not only members of the assessing profession, both urban and rural, but also other organizations interested in assessment matters.
Hon. Edmond Prefontaine, Minister of Municipal Affairs, speaking on behalf of the Province of Manitoba, brought greetings and sincere wishes for the success of the meeting. He touched on the importance of a high standard of assessment practices and the vital role it played in good government.
At the conclusion of the two-day session, a standing vote of thanks was extended to the various speakers on the excellence of their papers and to the Manitoba Government for providing such excellent accommodation for the launching of the most successful “First Annual Conference of the Association of Assessing Officers of Manitoba”.
Scarcely had the first Conference passed into history when word was received of the untimely passing of C.L. West, the Association’s first president and one of its original founders. Charlie West, Assessor, City of St. James, was known to most of us not only for his enthusiasm in promoting greater co-operation among all assessors in the Province, but also, and more important, as a gentleman and self-sacrificing public servant.
From the “Proceedings of the First Annual Conference of the Association of Assessing Officers of Manitoba, April 25-26, 1957