News and Views 2015 AAOM Symposium

Submitted by Carol Lyons

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]here were 148 delegates at the AAOM’s 59th Annual Professional Development Symposium on May 13 & 14, 2015, which was the highest number of registrants in many years. This was my 16th or 17th Conference as AAOM’s Administrative Assistant and it was wonderful to see such a great turnout!


Seventy-four assessors from the Province registered for the Symposium – almost the entire assessment staff. Dave Doolan, a Co-Chair of the AAOM Conference Committee, worked behind the scenes promoting the Symposium to the Province to encourage the attendance of the assessors in lieu of their annual Spring Training in Pinawa.

Sixty assessors from the City of Winnipeg attended the two day Symposium – which included both members and non-members of the Association.


The AAOM appreciated the support of both the Provincial Assessment Services Director and the City Assessment and Taxation Director in allowing so many of their staff to attend the Symposium.


Kudos to the Conference Co-Chairs – Jan Trochim, in charge of the venue and food; and David Doolan in charge of the Speakers. They worked very hard to make sure every detail was addressed.


The rest of the AAOM Executive (Erin Reid, Michael Cortvriendt, Dan Diachun, Mike Taylor, Kara Capleve, Mirek Frolek, Shirley Bomak, also played a huge part in the success of the Symposium. Dan Diachun served on the Executive in various capacities from 1995 – 2005 and then from 2009 – until his term as Past President ended at the AGM on May 14th. Dan’s expertise will be missed!


The AAOM thanks its sponsors for donations and support of the 2015 Symposium.


Allan Ladouceur from Pictometry, donated $400, which went towards the cost of the Pastries/beverages at Registration on May 13. Mr. Ladouceur also donated a Wireless Bluetooth Speaker which was won by AAOM Member Al Payjack, from the City Assessment Department.


Glenn Dobie from Spectra Energy, donated 2 golf shirts. One of the shirts was won by Robin Freund from Provincial Assessment Services in Morden. The other by Darrell Wheeler, a member of the AAOM, also from Provincial Assessment Services in Morden. (Morden just happens to have one of the nicest golf courses in the Province).


Joey Polo Park Restaurant, where 45 Symposium delegates gathered for dinner on Wednesday evening, donated 2 bottles of wine – won by Bryan Sytnick from Dauphin Assessment Services; Joey also donated a $100 restaurant gift card, won by Richard Paluk from the Selkirk Assessment Office.


Bernie McMullan – McMullan & Associates, an Associate member, and a regular sponsor of AAOM Symposiums, donated $200 towards the registration beverages/pastries.


Kevin Olmstead, a Subscribing member with CP, was unable to attend this year’s Symposium, so donated the registration fee of $175.00 to the AAOM. The AAOM contributed two souvenir travel clocks and jump drives; one set was won by Trysha Caldwell from the City Assessment Department; Tom Instance, an AAOM member from Minnedosa was the winner of the other set along with a glass beer mug compliments of the Alberta Assessor’s Association.


The AAOM donated a $50.00 end of Conference Prize (2 x $25 gift cards) which went to Kem Wong from the City Assessment Department. The draw was made after the AGM on May 14th and the person whose name was drawn had to be in attendance in order to claim the prize.


Next year will be the AAOM’s  60th Anniversary Symposium. Date and Venue TBA as soon as they are finalized. Hope to see you all there!

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