[lead]AAOM is pleased to present an IAAO webinar on the Valuation of Regional Malls.[/lead]
This free event will be presented in Winnipeg. Space is limited to the first 25 people.
- Date: Wednesday June 10, 2015
- Time: 1:00 to 3:00 pm
- Place: 180 King Street, Diamond Room “B”
Please note:
- Attendance is limited,
- Supervisor / employer approval is required before registering
- Can’t attend a Winnipeg session? Please let us know if you are interested in viewing the webinar.
[button color=”warning” link=”http://aaom.mb.ca/sign-up-june-10-webinar-city/” size=”default” target=”_self” block=”false”]Register now[/button]
About the webinar:
The valuation of regional malls is a continuing exercise that presents a number of unique issues. Mall classification methodology is very important within the mall part of the retail industry, but is not yet fully understood and embraced by appraisers.
Fee simple and leased fee property interest controversies have needlessly complicated cap rate derivation and other valuation methodology and techniques. Lack of understanding of how malls operate and how investors view their positive and negative performance issues often results in methodology mistakes.
This presentation will look to the marketplace to resolve these items and various other issues arising under all three traditional approaches to value.
About the presenter:
Peter F. Korpacz, MAI, CRE, FRICS, Korpacz Realty Advisors, Inc.

Peter F. Korpacz has extensive experience in the real estate appraisal, counseling, publication, and research fields. He is president of Korpacz Realty Advisors, Inc., specializing in litigation-support, including expert witness testimony. He is experienced in assessment work for cap rate studies and valuations of regional malls, valuations of corporate headquarters, and methodology studies for valuations in distressed markets and chain drug store properties.